Customised fitness and nutrition plans.


All of my programs are individually constructed for the needs of the individual. No two programs are the same. Unlike some personal trainers, you’ll never see me copy and paste another client’s fitness or nutrition plan. Depending on what you’re looking for, I can help you lose weight, gain muscle, improve your strength  and fitness, cardiovascular health or improve your power. I can also help you to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.


My fitness coaching model is based mainly on nutrition and building better habits in terms of food and exercise. It’s proven amongst my clients that by developing positive relationships with food and creating better exercise and eating habits we can sustain our goals long-term and that’s what you want. You want a permanent fix to whatever problem requires a solution. By encouraging and adopting a healthier, more active lifestyle, we have demonstrated improvements in mood, mental health and overall wellbeing.

Programs & Rates

Nutrition Coaching


One to One Personal Training

From £25 per hour

Complete Online Fitness Management

FROM £120 Per Month

How Does It Work


Initial Consultation

I don't want to waste your time and I don't want you to waste my time either. Anyone who instructs me to train them are required to attend a free initial consultation lasting between 40 minutes and 1 hour where we will discuss your lifestyle, what you want, set your goals, our packages and your readiness to change. By the end of the consultation, you'll know if we're a right fit for you and we will know if you're a right fit for me.


Nutrition Assasments

As part of the initial consultation, we'll touch on your diet and understand what it's like at the moment. If you are successful in your consultation, we will ask you to complete weekly food diaries to help us monitor your eating habits and habit-building progress. We will also use these to form the basis of any advice and guidance we offer.


Customized Program

We will set you up with a customised program, initially your program will be basic and enough to get you started. The initial exercise program we start you on will help us to understand how you train, your level of skill and competence using equipment and what areas you require additional support. Programs are developed on a monthly basis and include weekly session plans which are adapted to suit your needs and targeted towards achieving your goals.


Achieving Fitness Goals

It is critical for us to constantly monitor and review your progress, adjust goals, recognise milestones and set new goals as old goals are accomplished. This is how we sustain your success. Through ongoing, continual improvement, we will be able to add you to our growing list of success stories!

The Benefits

Full Support

Whilst you train with us, you’ll receive full, ongoing support at the end of the phone any time of day (within reason!) with direct contact with Andrew Hill. You will also be able to reach Andrew via social media, text message and email too! You can get support in exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, mental health and even finance and relationships. If Andrew can’t help you, he can certainly signpost you to alternative organisations better suited to assist!

Registered, Certified Personal Trainer

Andrew Hill and his team are all experts in their fields. Andrew Hill is an NASM certified personal trainer with a weight loss specialisation and holds a Level 4 qualification in Personal Training and a Level 4 Certification in Nutrition from the Royal Society of Public Health. As a qualified group fitness instructor, advanced Boxercise instructor, and STEPS and FLEX instructor, you’re in the best hands in the fitness industry. For more information on Andrew’s qualifications, visit our ABOUT page.


For you to achieve your goals, you MUST remain accountable at all times. Andrew Hill will not mince his words when you’re making mistakes and failing to operate in a manner that’s in your own best interests. It is critical that we are firm with you to optimise your results and whilst we will be professional at all times, Andrew will hold direct responsibility for ensuring you stay on track. Allowances will be made for the occasional blip and we know that you are only human but there is a fine line between taking a break and wasting your results.


All of our clients have an undiminishing right to confidentiality and privacy. We will never share your data with anyone unless required to do so by law or unless we have your written permission to do so. Any photos or videos we take will not be shared without your consent and we will, at your request, take steps to hide any identifying features. We will keep secret at all times any meetings, workout sessions, nutrition plans, supplementation, performance-enhancing drug use, personal information and more.

This promise of secrecy does not apply if there is a risk of safeguarding.

Services & Specialties

Muscle building

Injury rehabilitation

Weight Management

Special Populations

Diet & nutrition
